For Physicians' Offices, Emergency Rooms and Outpatient Facilities. Burton UV Lights are universally accepted for diagnosing disease and injuries to the skin and eye, including detection of corneal scratches, foreign bodies in the eye, blocked tear ducts, fungus infections, Erythasma, Tinea Versicolor, Vitiligo, Scabies and Microsporium Canis. Offered in models with magnifiers and white lights to best suit medical uses, as well as applications in criminology and industrial inspection.
For Physicians' Offices, Emergency Rooms and Outpatient Facilities. Burton UV Lights are universally accepted for diagnosing disease and injuries to the skin and eye, including detection of corneal scratches, foreign bodies in the eye, blocked tear ducts, fungus infections, Erythasma, Tinea Versicolor, Vitiligo, Scabies and Microsporium Canis. Offered in models with magnifiers and white lights to best suit medical uses, as well as applications in criminology and industrial inspection.
Optically ground and polished 5-diopter magnifier lens (4" x 2") with focal length of 8"
Fluorescent bulbs produce UVA at approximately 360nm wavelength - Wood's Light