Makes the Difference Visible
Whether in laboratories or in the electronics, metal-working or watch-making industries, TEVISIO is essential wherever your eyes are put to the test. In manufacturing, assembly, quality assurance or general examination, it applies ergonomic perfection to support highly demanding visual tasks. With the latest LED’s, innovative arm technology and a visual field designed for optimum performance, the TEVISIO magnifier luminaire combines high efficiency with ergonomic
moreMakes the Difference Visible
Whether in laboratories or in the electronics, metal-working or watch-making industries, TEVISIO is essential wherever your eyes are put to the test. In manufacturing, assembly, quality assurance or general examination, it applies ergonomic perfection to support highly demanding visual tasks. With the latest LED’s, innovative arm technology and a visual field designed for optimum performance, the TEVISIO magnifier luminaire combines high efficiency with ergonomic design in the workplace.